Aplicacions Metalaym collaborates in several labour insertion programmes
Aplicacions Metalaym has been actively involved in labour insertion initiatives since 2018. It carries out this work as a collaborator of the Red Cross Employment Service and by forming part of the Incorpora Programme of the “La Caixa” Banking Foundation.
Over the last three years, Aplicacions Metalaym has been carrying out various projects as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
The goal of this work is to foster the labour integration of people on social services employment programmes and to contribute to the stability and promotion of the metal industry.
As such, Aplicacions Metalaym maintains its commitment to internal and external technical training, in line with its corporate values and with its philosophy based on continuous improvement as a tool for constant evolution.
In this period, the company has collaborated extensively with the Employment Service programme of the Girona Red Cross.
The company’s collaborative efforts have included the hosting of training and career guidance sessions at its facilities, and making its team of professionals available to show programme participants how work processes are carried out and how machinery operates.
As a result of this collaborative work, and as a logical consequence of the philosophy of Aplicacions Metalaym and its involvement in the programme, various participants in training processes have been offered work contracts by the company.
Finally, the company has had the pleasure of taking part in the making of a video to promote the sector and the specialised training of the Red Cross. In the part of the video filmed at its facilities, workers who had previously taken part in training processes talked about their current jobs.